Customer Relationship
Management System (CRM)


We were aimed to create the CRM platform that has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, with clear navigation and tools that make it easy to manage customer relationships

Business Challenge

It was to create a platform that meets the specific needs of trading industry while also being easy to use and integrate with existing tools and software. It involves understanding the unique workflows and business processes of broker's industries


We have built a strategy of developing the products after the first meetings. Such approach gives our clients understanding of the next steps and approximate estimations

Brand Assets

UX Research

Any UX information has a value and can create a competitive advantage. That is why, in respect of confidential information, time, client's investments and efforts that were made, we are not eligible to show a full spectrum of researches, but we will share some light version of 1-2 UX researches to show you that we are aware how to work with it


On screens below you can see how the MVP looked like before our improvements. After basic UX researches, building informational architecture & creating user flows ... Project had a great basis for creation a mid-fidelity wireframes, grid and high fidelity screens

App Screens

We had to ensure that the CRM platform provides value to businesses by improving customer relationships and driving growth and profitability. It was involved incorporating advanced features such as providing robust reporting and analytics tools to help businesses make informed decisions based on customer data

Users also expected the CRM platform to seamlessly integrate with other business tools and software, such as email marketing software and project management tools

Responsive Design

According to UX researches humanity spends more time in front of mobile screens comparing to desktops. So, the Designer :s Agency provides a responsive screens for attracting more users and works closely with 2 basic approaches of responsive design: Breakpoints & Fluid


Overall, we considered the user experience and ensure that the CRM platform is intuitive and user-friendly, with clear navigation and tools that make it easy for users to manage customer relationships and workflows. It involved incorporating user feedback and conducting user testing to identify areas for improvement and refine the platform over time

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