Website for
Online English School


We were aimed to create a product where users will be able to easily find information on the courses and programs offered by the school, including course descriptions, schedules, and pricing

Business Challenge

One of the key business challenges when designing a website for an online English school is to attract and convert potential students into paying customers

Our Impact

One of our notable achievements was the creation of a unique character that served as an English language tutor, engaging and educating people in an innovative way. Additionally, we developed a streamlined system of templates, accelerating processes by a factor of four. Through captivating storytelling, we successfully generated initial sales for the course and helped our client gain micro-influencer status with over 50,000 views. Unfortunately, the brand had to be removed due to the unfortunate circumstances of the war in Ukraine


We have built a strategy of developing the products after the first meetings. Such approach gives our clients understanding of the next steps and approximate estimations

Brand Assets

UX Research

Any UX information has a value and can create a competitive advantage. That is why, in respect of confidential information, time, client's investments and efforts that were made, we are not eligible to show a full spectrum of researches


After basic UX researches, building informational architecture & creating user flows ... Project had a great basis for creation a mid-fidelity wireframes, grid and high fidelity screens

Website Screens

Our design of the online english school website differentiate the school from competitors by highlighting its unique value proposition, such as experienced instructors, innovative teaching methods, and specialized courses for specific english levels

Course Page

The main aim of this page is to support the growth of the online English school by providing information about pricing, service packages, and support options, as well as resources like a course's benefits, certification, and pursue users to make a purchase

Responsive Design

According to UX researches humanity spends more time in front of mobile screens comparing to desktops. So, the Designer :s Agency provides a responsive screens for attracting more users and works closely with 2 basic approaches of responsive design: Breakpoints & Fluid

Promo Materials

In general, the purpose of this marketing materials is to develop marketing content that efficiently advertises the online english school to potential clients and stimulates them to buy


Overall, we have build a unique user experience that effectively promotes the online english school, attracts and retains students, and helps the school achieve its growth and revenue goals

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